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Sunday, 6 October 2013

October, awareness month OMG!

 October as you may know is Breast cancer awareness month. So I think it's great that fashion can have it impact on society AND helping fund raise things that can save lives! And to help the wonderful office have team up with Breast Cancer Care to make some stylish stilettos and a snazzy pin! All of the money from the the £1.00 pins will go to Breast Cancer Care (BCC) and a certain amount of money from the heels will go to the great charity! I'm in lobe with the bright pink heels at6 the moment too! But its not just office that are helping. Its the great and talked about a lot on my blog, Avon, like every year are doing there thing to help. They have made a AMAZE new shade of nail polish and a cute pin for there shoppers to wear with pride that I purchased last year.

A couple years ago my Grandad was diagnosed with bowel cancer and it was a very stressful situation for, like most families that are hit with the sad news for my family. Luckily he fought through it and is now very healthy and there are no problems at all! Even though bowel cancer and Breast cancer are very different I still like to try and do my part to help charities that help families with loved ones that are sick. That is why I'm doing a post all about BCC and for the rest of the month I am going to do a bit of a pink theme! So my goal is to have ATLEAST 1 pink thing in each post every post this month!
Now lets look at some fashion hey?

This is the fun and vibrant new shade of pink avon have created for BCC and every £1.00 goes to the great charity! Avon, £4.00 (will be £6.00)  

These are the amazing heels made by office in association with Breast Cancer Care charity! Aren't they just....OMG! Office X BCC, £55.00 each

Dont forget your pin ladies! Every little helps!
Office X Breast Cancer Care, £1.00

From Another kinda fashion blogger x

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Thanks bruh... XD

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