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Monday, 19 August 2013

DHE Productions OMG!

I lived yesterday! With a friend, I went to a concert hosted by DHE productions and it was great! The acts were amazing including: Pop choir, Rock choir, 50 shades of Shakespeare followed my the main act Proms. We had a great view, are Slushy's at the ready, thankz to the slushy parlour, tropical slush and we were cosy on our blankets. It was held at Crystal palace park and there were rides, A LOT of food stalls! I would recommend to all to as it happens every year and doesn't cost to much in' all! Here is the website if you wanna check it out:


My heavenly slushy (£2.50) A mix of TWO flavours: Apple and Blue Raspberry!

My tongue afterwards....

*Taken by TGWTBC'S*

My outfit
 Top- H&M
Leggings- New look
Shoes- New look
Necklace- Sour cherry
But the thing thats saddened me was the fact that at one stage I, I had to put my coat on! NOOOOOO! Why o' why can't Summer last forever! Autumn is coming and I don't want to accept the fact that it is! So to cheer everyone up ( Mostly me...) I found some Autumn amazing stuff to keep you warm! Lets rip out are scarfes and fur boots out of are chest of drawes and let the gusty winds of Autumn take us away! Okay steady on with the fur boots ( Keep those for winter!) 

New look £39.99 

So in, £20.00 Yes we are still going with the geek look and I lOVE it! 

Pink boutique, £24.95 

Lets face it.... Sparkles will always be in, in Autumn but you've just gotta know how to wear it! ASOS, £32.00

Missluxe, £14.99

From Another kinda fashion blogger x


  1. love your stripe pants! <3
    Maybe you want to join my giveaway Have a check and win awesome clothes. :)

    .never settle for less.

  2. Thankz! I love them too! Will do cant wait!!!
    From Another kinda fashion blogger x


Thanks bruh... XD

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