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Looking for something.....

Monday, 8 April 2013



I have finally done it. I have actually got to 1000 views! I thought this day would never come (well thats kinda true!) Who would of thought that a blog made on the 25th of February by some unknown person would get this succsesful! I just wanted to have a blog but I NEVER thought so many people would want to literally have a looksies at it. I have views from all over the world in fact I shall tell you were they are from right now! (These stats are from the blogger website!) I have had views from these countrys:
South Korea, Netherlands, Greece, UK, Ireland, America (U.S.A), Germany (you guys are also a big fan!), Russia, Brazil, China, Ukraine, Poland, France, Australia, Austria and finally Venezuala! I'm not sure how they have just come across my blog but I'm glad and very happy that they did! I also have to give credit to people for getting my blog out there because I can't take all the credit! When I first had my blog I didn't really know or have anyone to helping me to get the public (You AWESOME guys!!!!!) to see it but over the months (LOL!)  have come across many ways of getting it out there without the help of Facebook, Twitter, Instargram, tumblr! Just the old fashion e-mail really! I have to thank Independant Fashion bloggers ( because I hae come across many cool and AMAZEBOZ fashion blogs and people that have helped me along the way! Who have obviously spread the word about my blog. And like I said in the "100 views well more OMG!" post (which only felt like yesterday.......) I have to thank my frends and family for also spreading the word!  Also putting the link to my blog on there's like Fashion detective, Tallulah the journalist behind Now THATS news and ~CaroliNERD the journalist behind Just turn the page.
I hope youhave enjoyed my ong speech about all the help and thankyou but the most important thing about having a succsesful blog is...... Having supportive and friendly (don't forget AWESOME) fashionistasta-like viewers like YOU! So......

 Made at keepcalm-o-matic! P.S AKFB= Another kinda fashion blog LOL!
And as a celebration I went down to Peckam ( well thats NOT the celebrational bit!) and bought £1.00 conclear from Superdrugs and an AWESOME top from  a little and very cheap (don't foret fashion-like!) shop.

This concelear was on £1.00 from superdrugs and its fab! It's by MUA a lovely make-up brand with cheap prices!
I finally got my hands on a GEEK top!!!! This was just £1.99 in that shop! (My mission is to find out the name of that REALLY cool shop!)
Another kinda thing that made my day was an e-mail I got from Magisto (that movie editing thing!) saying.......
Woohoo! Wanna have a look at that video! Then click this! good-friday-OMG!

From a VERY happy kinda fashion blogger xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Thanks bruh... XD

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